Kjo shtojcë s’është testuar me 3 hedhjet e rëndësishme të fundit në qarkullim të WordPress-it. Mund të mos e mirëmbajnë më, ose mundet të mos mbulohet më, dhe mund të ketë probleme përputhshmërie, kur përdoret me versione më të freskët të WordPress-it.

Shieldfy Security Firewall and Anti Virus


Start Protecting Your Website Block attacks targeting your website.

Shieldfy works as an external shields loads before your website and filter all requests , passing only trusted non harmful traffic and block other malicious traffic

Shieldfy Engine can identify and block several attacks including and not limited to
Unrestricted file uploads , XSS (cross site scripting) , SQLI (SQL Injection) , RCE (Remote Code Execution), LFI/RFI (Local/Remote File Inclution) and many other

IP Analysis and Risk Score.

Shieldfy identify the persona of your blog visitors via IP , UserAgent , if user connectos through TOR , VPN , Proxy and more Trying to detect if that user wants to do something bad or not.

Fast High level support

Shieldfy security team is always here for help , our support is here for you anytime 24/7.

Foto ekrani

  • The home of your panel at (https://cloud.shieldfy.io/) shows quick summary and some statistics
  • Here you can view the firewall report and you can manage your execluded urls
  • Ban module allows you to add new ips to ban list and view ban report
  • Scanner module shows recent manual or automatic scan and you can start new scan
  • The scanners works fast to scan all of your website files against php backdoors and malwares.


Installation required to register to https://shieldfy.com to get your token

  1. install your plugin and activate it
  2. go to Shieldfy.io and create a new account
  3. add new application , you will redirect to setup page , choose wordpress and copy your app key and app secret
  4. in the plugin page paste your app key & secret and click Activate


What is that plugin do ?

shieldfy plugin protects you from web attacks like xss , sql injection , local file inclusion, Code injection … etc , simply it protects your blog against hacking attempts.

is this plugin for free

Yes, shieldfy plugin is for free altough it connects you with shieldfy service which has a free plan and paid plan , you can choose what you need.

Will Shieldfy Security slow my site down?

No , Shieldfy uses caching on both your website and our endpoint server to improve the prefomance , it only takes from 30 to 40 millisecond to analyze the requests.


3 Shtator, 2016
the plugin is very good because of the service which is exceptional too the dashboard is easy to use and it logs every threat i get and the prices are very reasonable thank you for the great application
3 Shtator, 2016
Recommended for anyone how needs a good security shield for his website.
Lexojini krejt 3 shqyrtimet

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“Shieldfy Security Firewall and Anti Virus” është software me burim të hapur. Në këtë shtojcë kanë dhënë ndihmesë personat vijues.
