Microdata About plugin offers a easy wat to implement Microdata about persons, companies or organisations in your WP site.
In the Plugin Options Page there is a formular called Microdata About. Fill up the formular with the data of the person or company you want to show and then add it to your post with the shortcode [mcaddress] or place it in a widget area with the widget included.
You can choose to show the microdata of a person or a company.
For the shortdode, the default option is the company microdata, but you can change it with the parameter \”a\”, like this:
- For persons: [mcaddress a=”person”]
- For companies: [mcaddress a=”company”]
For the widget, just check the box with the “Show Person Microdata” option.
For detailed information see WP Plugin Microdata.
- Upload “microdata-about” plugin’s folder to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
- Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
- Fill up the formular in the Plugin’s Options Page
- To insert the Microdata in Post and Pages
Use the shortcode [mcaddress]:
- For companies: [mcaddress a=”company”]
- For persons: [mcaddress a=”person”]
Për këtë shtojcë s’ka shqyrtime.
Kontribues & Zhvillues
“Microdata About” është software me burim të hapur. Në këtë shtojcë kanë dhënë ndihmesë personat vijues.
KontribuesPërkthejeni “Microdata About” në gjuhën tuaj.
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Regjistër ndryshimesh
- Initial release.