Kjo temë s’është përditësuar këtu e më shumë se 2 vjet. Mund të mos mirëmbahet ose mbulohet më, dhe mund të ketë probleme përputhshmërie kur përdoret me versione më të reja të WordPress-it.
Albar is a responsive multipurpose WordPress theme. You can use Albar to build a business website, portfolio website, online shop or a simple blogging website which adapts nicely to all devices. We’ve integrated with some powerful plugins like SiteOrigin’s Page Builder, WooCommerce, Contact Form 7 and more. Simply turn Albar into an eCommerce store by installing WooCommerce and start selling online in no time. Along with our different page templates we offer and SiteOrigin’s easy drag and drop Page Builder you can simply build any page layout you like. Download Albar now and see if you like it!
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