WiziApp – Smooth Touch
Kjo temë s’është përditësuar këtu e më shumë se 2 vjet. Mund të mos mirëmbahet ose mbulohet më, dhe mund të ketë probleme përputhshmërie kur përdoret me versione më të reja të WordPress-it.
Move to a mobile Adaptive Theme. Don’t settle for a responsive theme, get a real mobile theme for your WordPress site with the most advanced mobile user experience. The “WiziApp – Smooth Touch” mobile adaptive theme is using JQuery Mobile, HTML5 & CSS3 in order to create the most advanced mobile user experience. Unlike a responsive theme, the “WiziApp – Smooth Touch” is a an exclusive theme for mobile display which enables you to enjoy an advanced mobile WebApp experience while keeping your current desktop theme. In order to activate this theme for mobile display only, or for creating your own iPhone & Android native Apps, please install the “Wiziapp” plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/wiziapp-create-your-own-native-iphone-app/), which is also compatible with Woocommerce and Buddypress.
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