WPHobby WooCommerce Product Filter


WPHobby WooCommerce Product Filter is a flexible WooCommerce Plugin
make your visitors can select products by its categories, products attributes, tags, products taxonomies and price.
This plugin comes with built in widgets that you can use to place as many instances of attributes as you needed.

WPHobby WooCommerce Product Filter Pro

Like WPHobby WooCommerce Product Filter Free Version? Here’s you can get WPHobby WooCommerce Product Filter Premium Version and have more features.

Foto ekrani

  • Admin – Appearance -> Widget: WooCommerce Filter Widget List Style
  • Admin – Appearance -> Widget: WooCommerce Filter Reset Button
  • Frontend: WooCommerce Widget in off-canvas sidebar
  • Frontend: Reset button and active filters
  • Admin – Filter -> General Settings
  • Admin – Filter -> Help & Guide


  1. Unzip the downloaded zip file.
  2. Upload the plugin folder into the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress site.
  3. Activate WPHobby WooCommerce Product Filter from Plugins page.


Why the widget not displayed in my sidebar?

you need to assign the widget to the sidebar of the Shop page. And you also need to have WooCommerce Product Attributes assigned your product.


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Regjistër ndryshimesh


Initial release