Kjo shtojcë s’është testuar me 3 hedhjet e rëndësishme të fundit në qarkullim të WordPress-it. Mund të mos e mirëmbajnë më, ose mundet të mos mbulohet më, dhe mund të ketë probleme përputhshmërie, kur përdoret me versione më të freskët të WordPress-it.

WordPress Mailerlite Integration Lite


WordPress Mailerlite Integration Lite integrate your website users with mailerlite email marketing software.
after any registration in your wordpress site, email of registred user will be added to your selected groups.
also have a customizable widget that help you to display a newsletter form in your widget areas.

Foto ekrani

  • Plugin settings
  • Plugin widget settings
  • Plugin widget


Use WordPress’ Dashboard Add New Plugin feature, searching “WordPress Mailerlite Integration Lite”, or download the archive and:

Unzip the archive on your computer
1. Upload wp-mailerlite-lite directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
3. Go to WP Mailerlite menu and set you api key and groups.


Where can I get the API key from?

  1. Go to https://www.mailerlite.com/ and login to your account.
  2. From page’s right corner click on your name and select integrations
  3. In new page select Developer API
  4. From API Key section select your api key


20 Maj, 2021
I’ve just moved from Mailchimp to Mailerlite and Mailerlite’s own plugin, while fine for signup forms, doesn’t let me add new site user signups to my mailing list (with their permission of course). This plugin sounded as if it would do that, but I’ve installed it and put in the API, and it’s not offering me any groups to link to. Apparently it hasn’t been updated for 12 months so I guess it’s no longer being maintained.
28 Janar, 2021 2 përgjigje
Unfortunately its not working at the moment. It doesnt find groups. can you please give an update?
Lexojini krejt 3 shqyrtimet

Kontribues & Zhvillues

“WordPress Mailerlite Integration Lite” është software me burim të hapur. Në këtë shtojcë kanë dhënë ndihmesë personat vijues.


Regjistër ndryshimesh


  • Add comment authors group


  • Add registered user in selected groups
  • Widget