WordPress plugin that provides brands support for WooCommerce
Woocommerce Brands Plugin. You can assign poducts to brands. There\’s shortcode to display list of brands, as well as widget that provides filter form for brands.
[woo-square-brands] – brands in a square
[woo-brands-slider slidestoshow=6 arrows=true dots=false speed=1] – slider brands
[woo-single-brand slug=slug_name] – single brand
[list-brands hide_empty=false] – list brands
Important: First of all, you have to download and activate WooCommerce plugin, because without it Brands for WooCommerce cannot work.
1.Unzip the downloaded .zip file.
2.Upload the Brands for WooCommerce folder into the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress site.
3.Activate Brands for WooCommerce from Plugins page
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“Brands for WooCommerce” është software me burim të hapur. Në këtë shtojcë kanë dhënë ndihmesë personat vijues.
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