Etiketë Shtojce: images
Unveil Lazy Load
(15 vlerësime gjithsej)Unveil Lazy Load is a WordPress Plugin whitch makes lazy-image-load possible to decrease number of requests and improve page loading time.
WP Image Size Limit
(17 vlerësime gjithsej)Adds a new setting under Settings -> Media where an admin can set a maximum upload file size for image files.
Hot Random Image
(9 vlerësime gjithsej)Hot Random Image is a basic widget that shows a randomly picked image from a selected folder where images are stored.
WP Image Borders
(45 vlerësime gjithsej)WP Image Borders makes it easy to add decorative image borders to pictures in your blog posts.
Cleaner Gallery
(23 vlerësime gjithsej)A cleaner WordPress [gallery] that integrates with multiple Lightbox-type scripts.
Getty Images
(24 vlerësime gjithsej)Search and use Getty Images photos in your posts without ever leaving WordPress.
Media Hygiene: Remove or Delete Unused Images and More!
(24 vlerësime gjithsej)The Media Hygiene plugin removes unused media from the WordPress library to free up space, reduce clutter, and improve server performance.
Import external attachments
(26 vlerësime gjithsej)Makes local copies of all the linked images and pdfs in a post, adding them as gallery attachments.
Social Photo Fetcher
(12 vlerësime gjithsej)Allows you to automatically create Wordpress photo galleries from Facebook albums. Simple to use and highly customizable.
GazChap's WooCommerce Auto Category Product Thumbnails
(11 vlerësime gjithsej)Pick WooCommerce category thumbnails automatically from products contained within those categories.
Resize images before upload
(22 vlerësime gjithsej)Automatically resizes your images right in your browser, before uploading.
Specify Missing Image Dimensions
(11 vlerësime gjithsej)This plugin helps to add missing width and height attributes to images.
Cache Images
(6 vlerësime gjithsej)Goes through your posts and gives you the option to cache all hotlinked images from a domain locally in your upload folder
Img Title Removal
(2 vlerësime gjithsej)Plugin that hide all title attribute-tags from images in posts.
Archivarix External Images Importer
(9 vlerësime gjithsej)Import external images in posts and pages from its original external sources or Web Archive if original source is unavailable.
WordPress Lightbox Plugin by Lightbox Bank
(23 vlerësime gjithsej)Lightbox Bank is the perfect responsive, mobile optimized image lightbox plugin for displaying images & videos on WordPress.
Custom Header Extended
(12 vlerësime gjithsej)Allows users to create a custom header on a per-post basis.
Image Picker For Gravity Forms
(6 vlerësime gjithsej)A simple and nice plugin to add images easily on gravity forms radio and checkbox field.