Etiketë Shtojce: gutenberg
Yours59 responsive spacings for core blocks
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Plugin provides an Panel for Gutenberg Inspector which allows you to set responsive spacing (margin, padding) for all core blocks.
Ace Login Block
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Customize your WordPress login page with a fully-integrated Gutenberg block, giving you complete control over the design and functionality.
Ever Blocks
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Ever Blocks is a professional page building blocks for the WordPress Gutenberg block editor.
Tailored Swiper Carousel
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)WordPress plugin which adds a Gutenberg image carousel block. Great for creating big hero banners & carousels. This plugin uses Swiper JS, and r …
Entire Blocks
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Entire Blocks is a new Gutenberg blocks to show the latest post in the WordPress page and post. It has color option, column settings, and more.
Notice Box Block
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)A custom Gutenberg block to create a notice box with different types like info, warning, success, and danger.
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Solarplexus gives developers a powerful tool for adding dynamic display blocks.
JKL Grammar
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)A simple plugin that adds a "Grammar" Custom Post Type to better organize grammar points for language learning blogs and sites.
Awesome Alert Blocks
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Awesome Alert Blocks notices for the new WordPress block editor.
Blog Blocks – Gutenberg Blocks for Content Writers
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Blocks for content writers to make your articles more attractive to readers with elements such as notices.
Template Part Block
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Gutenberg block to render a template part inside a query loop
Animated SVG Block
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)A custom Gutenberg block to insert an animated SVG image. Uses stroke animation of a path with a stroke width.
Disable Gutenberg
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)This plugin disabled gutenberg editor on your website with any WordPress theme. No additional settings required.
Blocksolid Gateway
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Gated content based upon a Members Only flag for pages, posts and categories with Gutenberg support.
Qe Ultimate Blocks
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Are you looking to enhance your website with captivating testimonials and showcase your talented team members in a sleek and professional manner? Look …