Kjo shtojcë s’është testuar me 3 hedhjet e rëndësishme të fundit në qarkullim të WordPress-it. Mund të mos e mirëmbajnë më, ose mundet të mos mbulohet më dhe mund të ketë probleme përputhshmërie, kur përdoret me versione më të freskët të WordPress-it.

SlkZ Breadcrumbs


SlkZ Breadcrumbs is a plugin whose goal is to allow your users to keep track of their location on your blog, showing them where the page they are currently viewing is in the hierarchy of your posts and/or pages. The plugin automatically builds the breadcrumb trail based on your posts categories/pages hierarchy and is fully translatable, using the WordPress built-in translation abilities.


The plugin is fully translatable via the WordPress built-in translation engine. If the plugin is not available in your language and you want to translate it, feel free to contact me to list your translation here and make it available to other users.

Foto ekrani

  • An example of what the plugin looks like by default.


  1. Unzip the archive and upload the slkz-breadcrumbs directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation ;
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu of your WordPress administration ;
  3. Place the <?php if (function_exists( 'slkzBreadcrumbs' )) slkzBreadcrumbs(); ?> PHP code in your template, preferably between your theme’s head and its content.


Për këtë shtojcë s’ka shqyrtime.

Kontribues & Zhvillues

“SlkZ Breadcrumbs” është software me burim të hapur. Në këtë shtojcë kanë dhënë ndihmesë personat vijues.


Regjistër ndryshimesh


  • Initial release.