Kjo shtojcë s’është testuar me 3 hedhjet e rëndësishme të fundit në qarkullim të WordPress-it. Mund të mos e mirëmbajnë më, ose mundet të mos mbulohet më dhe mund të ketë probleme përputhshmërie, kur përdoret me versione më të freskët të WordPress-it.



Sectionly is a plugin as well as an add-on for the visual composer and elementor page builder.it contains the elements/widgets/shortcodes that are commonly used in every website like Teams, Progress bar, Blogs, Services, Testimonial, and many more in new updates with a variety of styles.

Sectionaly multivariate functional plugin that supports and manages your Blogs, ProgressBar, Services, Our Team, and Testimonials pages with combo designer Pack that is useful to create every type of your webpages for build to your website pages sections with most commonly useful widgets. Sectionly page designers have a good user-oriented and free solution for everyone who is looking for responsive blog pages with the website. Sectionly Designer Pack displays WordPress posts that have multiple designs. You do not need to grab your website with a bunch of plugins to manage your blogs designing, progress bar, services, team management, and also with different testimonial sections. Sectionly gives you a solution that is available only in single plugin.

Sectionaly Plugin Features:

  • Have multiple sections to manage your Blogs, progress bar, etc.
  • Preserve the user experience Fully Responsive blogs
  • Cross Browsers Support (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, etc.)
  • Easily manage the number of posts per page
  • Multiple blogs Post Category Selection
  • Progress bar come multi-design
  • Entire post at first glance with progress bar
  • Easy Service Option Page.
  • Display Service Box by the group.
  • Cross-browser compatibility.
  • Add/remove Service item.
  • SEO friendly
  • Responsive design

Foto ekrani

  • Elementor Page builder category for sectionly widgets.
  • Visual Composer page builder category for sectionly elements.


  1. Upload sectionly.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or upload via WP Dashboard
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


Does it work with any theme?

Absolutely! It will work with any theme.

Does it work without page builder?

Absolutely! It will work without any page builder. you can use wp shortcodes for building section. WP Shortcodes Documentation


Për këtë shtojcë s’ka shqyrtime.

Kontribues & Zhvillues

“Sectionly” është software me burim të hapur. Në këtë shtojcë kanë dhënë ndihmesë personat vijues.


Regjistër ndryshimesh


  • initial release.