Kjo shtojcë s’është testuar me 3 hedhjet e rëndësishme të fundit në qarkullim të WordPress-it. Mund të mos e mirëmbajnë më, ose mundet të mos mbulohet më dhe mund të ketë probleme përputhshmërie, kur përdoret me versione më të freskët të WordPress-it.

Post Descriptions


What does it do?

Post Descriptions lets you add descriptions to posts and pages, which lets you do things like add small to-do’s or don’t-forget’s for your team members or yourself.

How does it work?

Adding post descriptions
Post descriptions can be added from two places:
1. The Edit screen
2. The Quick Edit screen

Checking Post Descriptions
You can check your post descriptions in two places:
1. In the column from your posts or pages admin overview
2. As a post state (the bold text next to your page or post title)

Enabling/disabling Post States
When you add longer descriptions, your admin might get a bit cluttered. In those cases you could disable showing post descriptions in post states with a simple checkbox.

Foto ekrani

  • Add longer descriptions to the extra Post Descriptions column
  • Show small descriptions/to-do\’s by using Post States
  • A super easy and lightweight setup so you can start right away



After installing the plugin, you will only see a column added on the posts and pages admin screens. If you go to Settings > Post Descriptions, or click Settings on the Plugins page, you\’ll find a single option to turn on Post States. When you enable them, you\’ll see the description in bold after the page or post title.


21 Maj, 2021 1 përgjigje
Very very nice and useful plugin. Even stated differently, seems compatible with WP 4.9. Please keep it compatible!
17 Maj, 2021 1 përgjigje
Deze plug-in is echt een must. Niet alleen handig in gebruik, maar ook nog eens handig om je collega’s op de hoogte te houden waarmee je bezig bent / geweest. Ook voor jezelf is deze plug-in super gemakkelijk, zo hoef je niet steeds weer dingen op te schrijven in Google Sheets of op papiertjes die je naast je laptop neer legt. Voor elke website waaraan je werkt, heb je altijd de notities bij de hand. Hoop dat er in de toekomst meer van deze handige plug-ins gaan komen. Bedankt voor het handige hulpmiddeltje, zo word het toch net even wat makkelijker!
17 Maj, 2021 1 përgjigje
Dit is een super fijne plug-in die we gebruiken om notities voor elkaar achter te laten op de pagina’s waar de ander aan moet werken. Het is zeker de moeite waard en we gebruiken het op veel sites
17 Maj, 2021 1 përgjigje
This is a really good plug-in. I have tested it on my own site and it is easy to use and you can see what the meaning of the page is. I’m a chaotic boy and with this plug-in I have a good view which pages I have and why I have make them. Thank you for make this plug-in Tom
14 Maj, 2021 1 përgjigje
Tom is a developer at our agency so we’ve been testing this plug-in for a while now. We’ve been using it on every website and it greatly improved our workflow. No longer do we keep all these to-do’s and reminders in separate Google Sheets or e-mails, but all right there in our WordPress Dashboard. We even have clients using them to give us page-specific feedback! It’s a must-have that we have added to our default plug-in set on Plesk.
Lexojini krejt 5 shqyrtimet

Kontribues & Zhvillues

“Post Descriptions” është software me burim të hapur. Në këtë shtojcë kanë dhënë ndihmesë personat vijues.


“Post Descriptions” është përkthyer në 11 gjuhë. Faleminderit përkthyesve për ndihmesën e tyre.

Përkthejeni “Post Descriptions” në gjuhën tuaj.

Ju intereson zhvillimi?

Shfletoni kodin, shkarkoni depon SVN, ose pajtohuni përmes RSS-je te regjistri i zhvillimeve.

Regjistër ndryshimesh


  • I’m back! Adding new features soon, let me know if you have any wishes. For now I made the code more solid, and changed it to follow WPCS.


  • Fixed: When the Post States were disabled, and there was a default Post State (like Blog Page or Privacy Policy), the Quick Edit screen didn’t update the “Important” checkbox


  • Added functionality to pick a custom color (as the red could get a bit intimidating)
  • Fixed: When Post States were disabled, the Quick Edit screen didn’t update the “Important” checkbox


  • Added the possibility to mark states as important, making them red (in a future update you’ll be able to choose a custom color)
  • Fixed: Iconsistent indentation
  • Refactored code to the WordPress Coding Standards (using Yoda conditionals and such)


  • Changed the description input to a textarea


  • Made a stupid typo, need some sleep, sorry


  • Made the plugin translatable
  • Updated some strings to be more descriptive


  • Add post descriptions to posts and pages
  • Disable or enable Post States
  • Adds a column for post descriptions to your admin screens