Kjo shtojcë s’është testuar me 3 hedhjet e rëndësishme të fundit në qarkullim të WordPress-it. Mund të mos e mirëmbajnë më, ose mundet të mos mbulohet më dhe mund të ketë probleme përputhshmërie, kur përdoret me versione më të freskët të WordPress-it.

Monkeyman Rewrite Analyzer


This is a tool to understand your rewrite rules (“Pretty Permalinks”). It is indispensable if you are adding or modifying rules and want to understand how they work (or why they don’t work).

It is only an analyzer, it does not change any rules for you. It parses the rules down to their components and shows the connection with the resulting query variables. It allows you to try out different URLs to see which rules will match and what the value of the different query variables will be (see screenshots).

This plugin was written as a tool to help answering questions about rewrite rules on the WordPress Stack Exchange.

Foto ekrani

  • Display all rewrite rules and highlight captured URL parts and ignored query variables
  • Test URLs and see matching rules with the resulting query variables


Install via the normal way: either by uploading the unzipped file to your plugin directory, or directly via the plugin installer.

An extra item will be added to the “Tools” menu, visible if you are an administrator.


My new rules aren’t displayed!

Did you flush the rules? You can do this in your code, or by visiting the “Permalinks” settings page.

Can you help me with my rewrite rules?

Maybe. I’m active on the WordPress Stack Exchange, where you can find many intelligent and friendly WordPress experts willing to answer your questions.


17 Janar, 2022
This plugin is really useful for specific needs. But unfortunately not maintained anymore… =/ If someone need and update version of this check this out : https://wordpress.org/plugin/url-rewrite-analyzer Features: – Nice and clean interface – Remove all PHP warning / notices – Update code structure – Compatible with latest WP Version – Light / Old / Dark UI
29 Qershor, 2020
Still an incredibly useful plugin after all these years. Confirming it works on 5.4.2 with blocks enabled also! I needed it to help make sense of some complex rewrites critical to our AWS load balancer distribution, this plugin was integral in my troubleshooting. It also helped me identify ways to simplify and get rid of superfluous rules being added from all over (manual rules, Redirection, other plugins etc). I’d like to see the owner update this so more people will know it’s safe to use. Or if it’s abandoned, someone take it over! This is a great developer resource that’s probably being overlooked.
17 Janar, 2020
Very easy to use. Although supposedly not tested under 5.3.2, it works flawlessly under it. A must-have for any WordPress developer
30 Maj, 2019
Helped me sort some issues with the rewrite rules when developing a plugin. Works fine with WordPress 5.2 and does what you need it too.
4 Shkurt, 2019
Confirmed to still work 8 years later in 2019! – WordPress 5.04 A super handy little tool to test the custom permalinks mess that can be created when adding custom rewrite rules. Really handy if you are generating dynamic (virtual) pages and URLs on the fly!
Lexojini krejt 26 shqyrtimet

Kontribues & Zhvillues

“Monkeyman Rewrite Analyzer” është software me burim të hapur. Në këtë shtojcë kanë dhënë ndihmesë personat vijues.


Regjistër ndryshimesh


  • First WP.org plugin repository release
  • Further code cleanup


  • Code cleanup
  • Added URL checker


  • Highlight non-public query vars
  • Highlight regex repeating groups


  • First version, mostly a test of my regex parsing skills