Embedding from Madek will work out of the box with any WordPress (via “oEmbed Discovery”),
but for security reasons some functionality is disabled then, namely fullscreen.
This plugin adds medienarchiv.zhdk.ch
as a trusted provider,
so embeds form this domain will work load faster and unencumbered.
Installing “madek-oembed” can be done either by searching for “madek-oembed” via the “Plugins > Add New” screen in your WordPress dashboard, or by using the following steps:
- Download the plugin via WordPress.org
- Upload the ZIP file through the ‘Plugins > Add New > Upload’ screen in your WordPress dashboard
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Installation Instructions
Installing “madek-oembed” can be done either by searching for “madek-oembed” via the “Plugins > Add New” screen in your WordPress dashboard, or by using the following steps:
- Download the plugin via WordPress.org
- Upload the ZIP file through the ‘Plugins > Add New > Upload’ screen in your WordPress dashboard
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
Për këtë shtojcë s’ka shqyrtime.
Kontribues & Zhvillues
“madek-oembed” është software me burim të hapur. Në këtë shtojcë kanë dhënë ndihmesë personat vijues.
KontribuesPërkthejeni “madek-oembed” në gjuhën tuaj.
Ju intereson zhvillimi?
Shfletoni kodin, shkarkoni depon SVN, ose pajtohuni përmes RSS-je te regjistri i zhvillimeve.
Regjistër ndryshimesh
- 2017-02-01
- alpha release