Display Multiple Image Slider and Carousel using Shortcode with Category. Fully Responsive, Swipe Rnabled, Mouse dragging. Fully accessible with arrow key navigation Autoplay, Dots, Loop, Arrows etc.
We have added 1 designs for Carousel Slider. Just copy the Shortcode of Design that you Like and Use.
Demo and Features for More Information.
Normal Shortcode
Call Shortcode in Template File
Parameters For Shortcode
=> category : [nsi_logo_slider category=”category_id”] => Display Logo Slider by their category ID.
=> image_size : [nsi_logo_slider image_size=”full”] => Default is “full”, “thumbnail”, “medium”, “medium_large”, “large”.
=> slidestoshow : [nsi_logo_slider slidestoshow=”3″ ] => Display Logo, Images at a time.
=> slidestoscroll : [nsi_logo_slider slidestoscroll=”2″ ] => Scroll Image at a time.
=> dots : [nsi_logo_slider dots=”false”] => Show or hide Dots.
=> arrows : [nsi_logo_slider dots=”false”] => Show or hide Arrows.
=> autoplay : [nsi_logo_slider autoplay=”true”] => Autoplay Slider.
=> autoplay_interval : [nsi_logo_slider autoplay_interval=”100″] => Time for Autoplay Slider.
=> loop : [nsi_logo_slider loop=”true”] => Play slider infinite.
=> hover_pause : [nsi_logo_slider hover_pause=”true”] => Play or Stop slider on mouse hover.
=> speed : [nsi_logo_slider speed=”3000″] => Slider Speed.Display Multiple Image Slider and Carousel using Shortcode with Category. Fully Responsive, Swipe Rnabled, Mouse dragging. Fully accessible with arrow key navigation Autoplay, Dots, Loop, Arrows etc.
We have added 1 designs for Carousel Slider. Just copy the Shortcode of Design that you Like and Use.
Demo and Features for More Information.
Logo Slider Ninetyseven Infotech
Contributors: Team Ninetyseven Infotech
Tags: ninetyseveninfotech, slick, image slider, Logo slider, logo showcase, logo carousel, responsive logo slider, wp slider, responsive image slider, image carousel, carousel
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 5.6
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Logo Slider Ninetyseven Infotech | Logo Slider Ninetyseven Infotech is the best Logo slider and Logo carousel plugin available for displaying your Logo’s
Foto ekrani
Step 1. Upload the ‘logo-slider-ninetyseveninfotech’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
Step 2. Activate the “logo-slider-ninetyseveninfotech” Plugins.
Step 3. Add this short code where you want to display slider
[nsi_logo_slider]Step 1. Upload the 'logo-slider-ninetyseveninfotech' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory.
Step 2. Activate the “logo-slider-ninetyseveninfotech” Plugins.
Step 3. Add this short code where you want to display slider
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