Logistiex Fulfillment


Short Description: A powerful plugin offering seamless end-to-end fulfillment services. Description: We provide a technology-backed integration with all the e-commerce platforms, storefronts, and fulfillment service providers. We bring the most differentiated capabilities enabled with AI-based engines delivering top-class experiences to its users on functionalities related to end-to-end fulfillment services.

Third-Party Services

This plugin interacts with backend service of NOETIC LOGISTIEX PRIVATE LIMITED for integration and data management between your WooCommerce store and our platform. Here’s a brief overview of how data is handled:

For more information on how we manage and protect your data, please refer to the following resources:
* Service URL: https://logistiex.com/
* Terms of Use: https://logistiex.com/terms_conditions
* Privacy Policy: https://logistiex.com/privacyPolicy

These documents provide detailed information about our practices and your rights regarding your data.

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  • Initial release.