Kjo shtojcë s’është testuar me 3 hedhjet e rëndësishme të fundit në qarkullim të WordPress-it. Mund të mos e mirëmbajnë më, ose mundet të mos mbulohet më dhe mund të ketë probleme përputhshmërie, kur përdoret me versione më të freskët të WordPress-it.

iThoughts Advanced Code Editor


Writing code directly into your WordPress editors have never been so easy. Ace, the famous Code Editor used by Cloud9 Web-IDE, will perfectly fit your needs to be more effective and reduce coding errors. It now comes with a code check process on PHP files, to never again crash your server down!


  • Replace the Appearance and Plugin editor with ACE
  • Checks your code to avoid submission if syntax errors are found!
  • 34 themes to style your editor the way you’ll love it
  • Automatically adapt the syntax-highlight to the language of the file
  • Automatically adjust editor size to fSnippetsit your screen and give you a bigger work-area
  • Auto-completion for PHP, HTML, JavaScript and CSS
  • Auto-close parenthesis, brackets, HTML tags, etc etc…
  • Auto-indentation
  • Syntax and code checking with markers in editor to easily find errors
  • Possible to enable ace editor in client-side by a shortcode (usefull for forums with code tips)
  • Works well with iThoughts HTML Snippets to create re-usable pure HTML or hard-coded PHP snippets

Where WordPress says Code Is Poetry, iThoughts Advanced Code Editor reply Code Is Calligraphy

For more informations, please visit the dedicated plugin page

Foto ekrani

  • Option page of iThoughts Advanced Code Editor with a test ACE editor
  • Edition of a plugin file
  • Information tooltip and completion suggestions in a theme CSS file


Either install through admin panel (this is the eaiest way), or:

  1. Upload ithoughts-advanced-code-editor.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Unzip the archive
  3. Aktivizojeni shtojcën përmes menusë ‘Shtojca’ te WordPress


This section is empty for now.


3 Gusht, 2017
thank you gerkin! this makes things so much easier to view inside wordpress.
3 Shtator, 2016
But afrer a long time edittion of style.css the iThoughts ACE was cleared edited css file. Maybe, this version doesn’t support last v.4.6.
3 Shtator, 2016
I didn’t check all other options but I did check a few and this was the best and most modern one. The rating is not so good but it’s probably underrated just because it’s new. I recommend trying it out!
3 Shtator, 2016 3 përgjigje
I installed the editor and it does what is promised except the shortcode does not work for me. Hade all my code on one line. Much more important I would like to see this editor as a replacement for the “codeview” on the posts and pages views (HTML,CSS). This option isn’t available up to now. Hope this will be added and the shortcode fixed. Regards
Lexojini krejt 6 shqyrtimet

Kontribues & Zhvillues

“iThoughts Advanced Code Editor” është software me burim të hapur. Në këtë shtojcë kanë dhënë ndihmesë personat vijues.


Regjistër ndryshimesh


  • FIX Sometimes cleared the file content if query string empty


  • FIX Add missing support of scrollto parameter in theme & plugin editors


  • FIX CodeChecker handles correctly files ending with HTML template (last ?> after last <?php)
  • FIX Admin JS don’t trigger errors anymore when there’s no submit button.


  • FIX clean forgotten var_dump


  • FIX Deployer config file was mis-configured
  • FIX Default options were not initialized, which can cause crashes


  • UPD Changed deploy script


  • NEW CodeChecker: Syntax validity checking
  • UPD Client-Side shortcode
  • UPD Scripts


  • FIX Toxic update because of WordPress SVN silly


  • FIX Explicit base resources path for ACE


  • NEW Initial release