Go Webp Go Optimized. How to Optimize your website images using webp or legacy (PNG|JPG|JPEG|ETC) image extensions/Formats.
With GowebP wordpress plugin you will be optimizing all of your website’s Images with simple and elegant buttons.
Main Features:
Lossless Image Compression. (Compress image without lossing image quality)
Go Lazy load (Lazy load your images so images will not block rendering your website pages.)
Go View port load (Only loads images when it is on screen or close to screen for all devices)
Progressive Loads (Load low resolution images at first and then increase image resolution as per screen size)
Differ image for differ screen (Load different size images as per screen / Device size)
Automattic image optimization. (Optimize images automatically when uploading in media, post or pages)
No Size Limit. (You can optimize any size image, there are no limits)
Image borders. (Allow you to set images border for Post and Pages)
Image Shadow. (Allow you to set shadow for images of Post and Pages)
Premium Features:
Go Webp Format. (Serve images on next-gen Webp format)
Custom Differ Size. (Allow to set custom image size’s for different screen’s)
AMP support. (Allow you to serve optimize images and plugin features for amp pages)
EXIF Data. (Allow your to remove remove EXIF data from images)
Custom Path. (Allow you to set multiple custom path for image source in order to optimize)
Read more about GowebP image optimizer (https://Gowebp.com).
Upload the GowebP plugin to your site via the “Add New” section of the “Plugins” tab.
Once the plugin has been uploaded and activate.
Hover your mouse pointer to “Question mark” sign ” ? ” for each function brief guidline.
For premium feature subscribe and get your secret key from https://gowebp.com/pricing.
Alternatively, you can also install this plugin right through your WordPress admin dashboard. Simply search for “Go Webp” in the plugin section. Click install and activate plugin.
For any support or query please contact support@increaserev.com.
I have installed the plugin but it does not work.
Please do make sure your WordPress version is at least 3.9, as versions below are not supported.
Can I run the plugin on a WordPress install that isn’t publicly accessible?
Yes but domain name is required.
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Kontribues & Zhvillues
“Go WebP” është software me burim të hapur. Në këtë shtojcë kanë dhënë ndihmesë personat vijues.
Kontribues“Go WebP” është përkthyer në 1 gjuhë. Faleminderit përkthyesve për ndihmesën e tyre.
Përkthejeni “Go WebP” në gjuhën tuaj.
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Regjistër ndryshimesh
=Version 1.0.6 =
* optimize image compression speed
* Default setting define for mobile image resize (0%)
=Version 1.0.5 =
* WP v6.0 compatibility check
* bug fix for wp v5.8.4
* Default setting define for mobile image resize (20%)
Version 1.0.4
- Test log file removed
- minimum wp version support.
Version 1.0.3
- Image CLS issue Fix
- Default resize setting
Version 1.0.2
- Path Correction
- Image loader
Version 1.0.1
- Webp fallout image fix.
- Ajax requests fix.
- Mobile Image dimension fix
Version 1.0.0
- Primary stable plugin release.