Extended Shortcodes provides a list of shortcodes entirely designed to add practicability and versatility to membership-based systems. 😎
It is one of the most useful WordPress plugins for WordPress admins.
This addon is an extension of Ultimate Membership Pro plugin.
Admins have complete control over how content is organized and displayed to users based on their membership type. Using this plugin, you can now show/hide content to registered/unregistered members, display links and buttons anywhere on the page, ensure access to restricted content to visitors based on their subscription type/role, and many more.
🌟 Ultimate Membership Pro
For many years in a row, Ultimate Membership Pro has been the most well-known and finest WordPress Membership Plugin, allowing you to establish and operate with multi-level exclusive access for your Members based on basic Free Memberships or Paid recurring Subscriptions.
With Ultimate Membership Pro site owners can convert a WordPress website into a powerful Content Selling Platform and start charging members for valuable access right away.
🔔 How it works?
The installation process is easy: all you have to do is upload the plugin and enable it with the press of a button.
Long gone are the days of tweaking your code for every small change. Organizing the content on your WordPress website has never been easier.
⚙️ Extended Shortcodes Features
✅ Show the content only for registered users.
✅ Show the content only for unregistered users.
✅ Show link to login page.
✅ Show link to account page.
✅ Show link to Lost Password page.
✅ Show link to Register page.
✅ Show link to Subscription page.
✅ Show the content depending on the type of membership.
Thanks to this plugin, you can focus more on delivering the best user experience and less on insignificant tasks.
The shortcodes list is periodically updated and modified based on new functionalities that get released. Whenever a new functionality is added, its shortcode will be uploaded accordingly.
💡 For Extended Shortcodes to work, Ultimate Membership Pro is required.
- Documentation may be found here
- For video Tutorials you may check the YouTube channel
- For more information about functionality and features check out our website
📖 Read more
- Check others WordPress Plugins by WPIndeed Development.
- Visit store.wpindeed to get a collection of ready-to-use addons.
🔍 Check out some of our projects
Delete My Account – Every user from Ultimate Membership Pro may delete their profile account on demand
Ultimate Membership Pro – Paystack – Enables businesses from African region to receive payments from anyone, anywhere in the globe
Ultimate Membership Pro – PayFast – Makes it easier for visitors to become members by facilitating operations and one-time payments
Razorpay for Ultimate Membership Pro – Accepts one time payments and run transactions so that users join as members
Ultimate Affiliate Pro – The Powerful turn-key Premium WordPress Affiliate Plugin for Ultimate Membership Pro and WooCommerce
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Extended Shortcodes for Ultimate Membership Pro is developed by WPIndeed Development, a dedicated WordPress product company with over 100k happy customers.
Foto ekrani
- Download the plugin (.zip file).
- In WordPress Dashboard go to Plugins > Add New.
- Upload Plugin by pressing the upload button.
- Activate the plugin.
- In Ultimate Membership Pro plugin dashboard go to navigation menu and find EXTENSIONS tab. Upon clicking the menu’s item, a box with Extended Shortcodes module will be available.
For more details, visit our documentation page.
How easy is it to set up?
- Download the plugin (.zip file).
- In WordPress Dashboard go to Plugins > Add New.
- Upload Plugin by pressing the upload button.
- Activate the plugin.
- In Ultimate Membership Pro plugin dashboard go to navigation menu and find EXTENSIONS tab. Upon clicking the menu’s item, a box with Extended Shortcodes module will be available.
Can I use the plugin without Ultimate Membership Pro?
No, Ultimate Membership Pro must be installed and activated.
Where can I read the documentation?
Documentation may be found in the addon docs.
Does it works with any WP Theme?
Yes, it is compatible with any standard WordPress theme.
How do I suggest a new feature of Ultimate Membership Pro Addon – Extended Shortcode?
For any suggestion of Ultimate Membership Pro Addon – Extended Shortcode you may open a ticket on store.wpindeed.com after logging in, or leave a comment in UltimateMembershipPro community.
Do I need skills to use Ultimate Membership Pro Addon – Extended Shortcode?
No, you must have a basic understanding of how a shortcode works.
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Regjistër ndryshimesh
- Improve Translation process in files and generate .pot file.
- Improve Translation process.
- Optimize the workflow based on membership pro versions.
- Fixed level options based on membership pro versions.
- Fix shortcode name for levels.
- Released version