This plugin enables loading of fonts used by bundled themes (Twenty Thirteen, Twenty Fifteen, Twenty Sixteen, Twenty Seventeen) from Google Fonts that were previously disabled by Serbian language package.
Those fonts were disabled by default because they don’t support Serbian Cyrillic scripts, but since they do support Serbian Latin scripts this plugin re-enables them. Fonts that support both scripts are already enabled while fonts that do not support either script continue to be disabled.
Enable Disabled Serbian Latin Google Fonts is a very lightweight, it has no settings, just activate it and it works immediately.
And it’s on GitHub.
Për këtë shtojcë s’ka shqyrtime.
Kontribues & Zhvillues
“Enable Disabled Serbian Latin Google Fonts” është software me burim të hapur. Në këtë shtojcë kanë dhënë ndihmesë personat vijues.
Kontribues“Enable Disabled Serbian Latin Google Fonts” është përkthyer në 1 gjuhë. Faleminderit përkthyesve për ndihmesën e tyre.
Përkthejeni “Enable Disabled Serbian Latin Google Fonts” në gjuhën tuaj.
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