Easy Currency Converter is a WordPress plugin: simply add the plugin to your site, customize it, and it’s ready to go! Utilizing a live currency conversion API, Easy Currency Converter takes any number inputted and outputs it in the requested currency. This is particularly useful with websites that cater to a global market, especially when working with the United States, Europe, Canada, Australia, and Japan. These major markets for online shopping have currencies that are wildly different.
Foto ekrani
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
1. Download and install the plugin from WordPress dashboard. You can also upload the entire “ECC Easy Currency Converter” folder to the /wp-content/plugins/
1. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
1. Go to the new Custom Post Type created in the left end menu Converter
to start creating your first currency converter.
Can I use multiple converters on the same page
Can convert to multiple currencies at the same time
Yes, you can convert to as many currencies you want at the same time
Does this plugin convert a value in real time
Yes, all the conversions are done on the fly, just start typing the value and you will see the converted values coming up
Does this plugin support Visual Composer WP Backery
Yes, it will create a custom VC Block to add converters to your content
Does this plugin support Gutenberg
Yes, there’s a specific Gutenberg Block ready to be used in your new Gutenberg Editor
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Extend compatibility to WordPress 5.5
Extend compatibility to WordPress 5.3.2
Extend compatibility to WordPress 5.3.0
Extend compatibility to WordPress 5.2.2