A simple way to customise the login screen on your WordPress install. There are a number of advantages to using this plugin:
- Using a plugin means the changes stay when you upgrade
- It’s an easy way to add a little polish to your freelance web design jobs
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
- Upload the entire contents of the zip file to your plugin directory “/wp-content/plugins/”
- Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress
- Create a background image and then upload that to your website as well
- Go to the plugins options page in the WordPress admin (“Settings” -> “Custom Login”) and enter the url for you login background image
- Change the colors as you desire
- Press save
- Bask in the glory of your beautiful new login screen
Kontribues & Zhvillues
“Custom Login” është software me burim të hapur. Në këtë shtojcë kanë dhënë ndihmesë personat vijues.
Kontribues“Custom Login” është përkthyer në 4 gjuhë. Faleminderit përkthyesve për ndihmesën e tyre.
Përkthejeni “Custom Login” në gjuhën tuaj.
Ju intereson zhvillimi?
Shfletoni kodin, shkarkoni depon SVN, ose pajtohuni përmes RSS-je te regjistri i zhvillimeve.
Regjistër ndryshimesh
2.4.0 (2024-10-16)
- Create changelog.txt file and add all missing records
- Update readme.txt file, list of contributors, tags, and the plugin author data
- Remove promotional contents
- Drop csstidy entirely and use similar approach for css sanitization as in WordPress core
- Remove invalid plugin uri header
- Bump tested-up-to version to WordPress 6.6
- Fix security issues
- Load plugin stylesheet through
2.3.2 (2021-07-14)
- Fix errant comma that caused a 500 error on some servers
2.3.1 (2021-07-13)
- Fix PHP error for missing settings
2.3 (2021-03-09)
- Display the “powered by” text underneath the login form to ensure it is visible. It can be targetted with CSS using
2.2.5 (2020-06-17)
- Fix implode parameter order
2.2.4 (2020-03-05)
- Update CSSTidy to latest version
2.2.3 (2019-08-23)
- Switch to submit_button function for settings form
2.2.2 (2019-04-30)
- Replace deprecated filter
- Update coding standards
2.2.1 (2017-12-01)
- Remove text shadow on login button so that it’s more consistently readable
- Make it clearer what the text link colour changes
- Change CSS label to match the core customizer label
- Remove CSS vendor prefixes that are no longer needed
2.2 (2017-11-30)
- Fix default colour values so that the default button works properly
- Fix PHP 7 warnings in CSSTidy
- Sanitize more things for extra security