Fetches job vacancies from the applicant tracking system (ATS) “Artemis” by AVEO Solutions and displays them. Includes a search bar and pagination for easy navigation.
Um das Plugin zu verwenden, fügen Sie einfach auf Ihrer WordPress-Seite den folgenden Shortcode ein: [artemis-stellenanzeigen]
Im Shortcode kann optional die Url Ihrer Schnittstelle angegeben werden: z.B. [artemis-stellenanzeigen url=”https://YOUR-ARTEMIS-DOMAIN/GetAktuelleStellenanzeigen”]
Diese Url wird dann gegenüber der Url in der Konfiguration bevorzugt verwendet.
Për këtë shtojcë s’ka shqyrtime.
Kontribues & Zhvillues
“Artemis Stellenanzeigen” është software me burim të hapur. Në këtë shtojcë kanë dhënë ndihmesë personat vijues.
KontribuesPërkthejeni “Artemis Stellenanzeigen” në gjuhën tuaj.
Ju intereson zhvillimi?
Shfletoni kodin, shkarkoni depon SVN, ose pajtohuni përmes RSS-je te regjistri i zhvillimeve.
Regjistër ndryshimesh
- Feature: Added a new setting in the plugin configuration allowing users to customize the number of jobs displayed per page (page size).
- Tested with wordpress version 6.7
- Updated settings page with enhanced descriptions, caching tips, and a reset button to restore default plugin settings
- Tested with wordpress version 6.6.1
- It is now possible to show the company logo in the job overview. This can be set in the plugin settings.
- Bugfix: Jobtitles with long words didn’t break to new line.
- Instructions updated.
- Tested with wordpress version 5.8
- Bugfix: Under certain circumstances, if there was a problem with the api-conncection an unhandled warning message appeared.
- Bugfix: When the user clicked on the jobtitle, the details-page always opened in the actual browser-tab, regardless of the tab-setting in the plugin settings.
- It is now possible to reset the search.
- This update is tested with the latest version of wordpress (5.4.2).
- Bugfix: Everytime the ‘search’-Button is pressed the page is now set back to 1.
- Bugfix: Pagination wasn’t rendered in a single row.
- In the plugins settings the user can now choose wether the details-page opens in a new tab or not.
- In the plugins settings it is now possible to define a custom message for no database results.
- An url can now be specified in plugins shortcode (e.g. [artemis-stellenanzeigen url=”https://YOUR-ARTEMIS-DOMAIN/GetAktuelleStellenanzeigen”]).
If there’s no url in the shortcode, the url in the plugin settings is used as fallback.
- Searchbar can be hidden by user in the plugin settings.
- Pagination gets automatically hidden, if there are 10 or less job offers in the database or the search results.
- Short Description can be hidden by user in the plugin settings.